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Sun Card 19

Hypnosis Q & A

Past-Life Regression

Q: Are you a trained hypnotist?
A: Yes, I'm a trained hypnotist through the National Guild of Hypnotists.  I completed my training in May 2014.


Q: Will I be hypnotized for the duration of the appointment?
A: You will be hypnotized most of the time.  We will do a pre-talk and a post-talk before and after the hypnosis.  The pre-talk answers any questions you have and make sure you are comfortable.  The post-talk recaps the topics that were explored during the session.


Q: Will I be conscious of the information relayed during the appointment or would I be in trance and unaware and you'd relay everything afterwards?
A: You will be conscious of everything.  You will spend the time reporting back to me your experience.  So you become  a narrator while experiencing the lifetime and answering my questions.  The session is audio recorded so you can go back and hear all of your responses.


Q: Have you ever had anyone not have a pleasant experience?
A: No, but the only things that would cause someone to have an unpleasant experience are fear or if they were in pain and attempted hypnosis.


Q: Once you open the box, you can't close it so to speak, is that true?
A: You have to trust that your higher self will only expose you to a lifetime in which you can handle.  Almost always, you are taken to a lifetime that directly applies to your current lifetime.  This usually encourages people to move through a troubling time or answers lifelong questions about hobbies or interests.


Q: Would it make me question things in this lifetime too much?  Or would it just be helpful to my growth?
A: Because you experience the lifetime from your current personality perspective, you don't lose a sense of who you are, you gain a bigger sense of who you are.  You feel more secure and confident that you can handle a lot and that things will be ok.


Q: Can I meet a Spirit Guide during a Past-Life Regression?
A: Yes, it is common to meet Angels, Spirit Guides, Past-Loved Ones, and other guides during a PLR.  Meeting these guides can bring clarity and advice to help you move through your life with more information and support.


Spirit Guide Hypnosis

Q: Are you a trained hypnotist?
A: Yes, I'm a trained hypnotist through the National Guild of Hypnotists.  I completed my training in May 2014.


Q: Will I be hypnotized for the duration of the appointment?
A: You will be hypnotized most of the time.  We will do a pre-talk and a post-talk before and after the hypnosis.  The pre-talk answers any questions you have and make sure you are comfortable.  The post-talk recaps the topics that were explored during the session.


Q: Will I be conscious of the information relayed during the appointment or would I be in trance and unaware and you'd relay everything afterwards?
A: You will be conscious of everything.  You will spend the time reporting back to me your experience.  So you become  a narrator while experiencing the lifetime and answering my questions.  The session is audio recorded so you can go back and hear all of your responses.


Q: Have you ever had anyone not have a pleasant experience?
A: No, but the only things that would cause someone to have an unpleasant experience are fear or if they were in pain and attempted hypnosis.


Q: Once you open the box, you can't close it so to speak, is that true?
A: You have to trust that your higher self will only expose you to a lifetime in which you can handle.  Almost always, you are taken to a lifetime that directly applies to your current lifetime.  This usually encourages people to move through a troubling time or answers lifelong questions about hobbies or interests.


Q: Would it make me question things in this lifetime too much?  Or would it just be helpful to my growth?
A: Because you experience the lifetime from your current personality perspective, you don't lose a sense of who you are, you gain a bigger sense of who you are.  You feel more secure and confident that you can handle a lot and that things will be ok.


Q: Am I guaranteed to meet a spirit guide during Spirit Guide Hypnosis?
A: No, but it is very common to meet your higher self, angels, spirit guides, past loved ones, and other guides during SGH.  Meeting these guides can bring clarity and advice to help you move through your life with more information and support.  Though it is highly likely, I can't guarantee that you will meet anyone specific or meet anyone at all.  Each appointment is unique in its own right.